- PRODUCTSProduct features:Accurate positioning,Disease control,Public praise
01 Chi Ling brand
Focus on animal drugs for more than 30 years, the industry leading brand; product reputation, service in place; Ministry of Agriculture advertised as a leading enterprise
04 Technological change
With: young, institutionalized, professional business team; Experienced, full-time, theoretical, market-oriented technical service team.
02authoritative scientific research technology
Has four advanced scientific research units and technology alliances: Xinxiang City Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Xinxiang Veterinary Pharmaceutical Preparation Engineering Research Center, Cronell University School of Pharmacy, German Academy of Sciences
05Development Partners
For partners who cooperate with Tianxiang, Will target the actual situation of distributors and aquaculture companies, Develop an exclusive custom cooperation model Boosting the healthy development of Tianxiang partners and making great achievements.
03Quality Products
Leading, patented production process, cooperation with imported raw materials, More than 30 years of product market certification in Linchuan, Accurate positioning, medicine with lesions, word of mouth; "The quality of products for the breeding services, science and technology for the veterinary name."
06Improve after-sale technical support
Full-time and Linchuan experienced technical service team; Has a well-established market conference promotion model and a healthy breeding instruction course. Do a full year, all-round good after-sales service work in the market.
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